Animal authors

Earlier today, I noticed that Sylvain Deville had taken to Twitter to point out an unusual canine co-author on a scientific paper:

This, of course, reminded me of the paper published by Andre Geim (in his pre-Nobel days) and H. A. M. S. ter Tisha. Spot anything odd about that last author? Well, it’s a hamster. Called Tisha.

Steph Kerr then followed up on Twitter with this:

So, that’s a dog, a hamster and a cat. Anybody know of any other non-human co-authors on scientific papers?!

UPDATE: Here’s Sylvain’s post on the same topic.

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3 Responses to Animal authors

  1. Pingback: Help ! My co-author is an animal ! | Sylvain Deville

  2. And I was feeling proud of co-authoring a JACS paper, *sigh* I better go back to run on my wheel.

  3. polly matzinger says:

    hi. this is Polly Matzinger, (the co-author with Galadriel Mirkwood). There was an earlier paper in the journal “Immunology”. (1972 Feb;22(2):277-89), titled “The effects of ALG on the murine immune response to sheep erythrocytes”, by
    H R Anderson, D W Dresser, G M Iverson, E M Lance, H H Wortis, J Zebra
    PMID: 4550853 PMCID: PMC1408189

    “J Zebra” aka Joe Zebra was the donkey that they used to make the ALG (anti-lymphocyte globulin ). they added him to fill out the alphabet of names (which otherwise stretched from A to W). many years later, joe zebra wrote to mirkwood, asking to come work in her lab, and enclosing a copy of his paper. it was fun.

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